Personal Planet Prompts (Part 1) ~ 22 Jul 2022

Leo certainly provides a conundrum or several along the way as planets transit its zodiacal sector. Known to be the sign of ego, Leo possesses remarkably positive declarations of confidence, capability, formidability and leadership. Of course, there’s also the bombastic side of Leo: pride, avarice, narcissism and overbearing self promotion.

Within spiritual disciplines what to do with the ego has endured as a seemingly unending debate. Does one ignore, suppress, exalt or engage the ego? Is EGO an acronym for “expressing God only” or “exalting glam and opinion?”With Mercury’s ingress in Leo this past Tuesday, we are in a cycle wherein a personal planet or more travels through Leo until 28 September when Ceres leaves Leo for Virgo. For clarification of terms, in this instance, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres are considered to be “personal planets.”

In fact, two “planets” that are not defined classical planets are included and emphasized in the detailing that follows: Ceres and Eris. By virtue of her personal characteristics (mass, density, gravity and diameter) in a mathematical means of assessment, Ceres is, in fact, arguably the most formidable planet. Sure it’s arguable, but suffice it to say, with Ceres’ natural adamance toward her will being granted, she is a player whenever it comes to stating ones case. Eris stands out as another especially cranky planet if slighted. She despises not being invited, overlooked, shunned or ignored, and makes a practice of wreaking havoc in the lives of those she feels offer her with no never mind.

Subsequently, both these planets bear reputations as portraying an extremely reactive nature and inclined to defend the rights of the individual at all costs. These days, with the saturation that social media holds in ones life, a superb sense of self is required to endure the social popularity contest of life. Thus, it makes sense that transits from Leo involving the personal planets are ever so important, perhaps now more than ever before in history. After all, isn’t the soul undeniably verified by likes, followers and the ability to declare oneself an influencer? Or is there something deeper involved to skate smoothly upon ones spiritual substrate?

Given the number of transits from the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus and the lunar nodes, in the interest of a readable post, the transits that follow will be divided into Part 1 and Part 2, which will be next week’s post. Without further qualification, here’s a Leo look into the depths of the psyche to seek out the best of the soul.

19 July: Mercury entered Leo

What you think matters. Others need to know exactly where you stand and where all your personal lines in the sand are drawn. It’s a great idea to state your case, then listen to the same considerations from others without taking their declarations personally. From this, it can be decided if there is enough overlap of the wills and souls to pursue co-involvement in life and the sharing of the best of personal pursuits.

22 July: Sun enters Leo

Rise and shine... and shine brightly and boldly. Be full of yourself (in a good way) without apology. When it’s time to rock the red carpet, do just that. When they prompt you along for the next star to have her/his/their place, graciously move along and engage only with those who seem to be captured by your aura and the grandness of your gravity based upon life experiences, deeds done and objectives that top your list for completion. What’s true and good about you is good and true about you... period.

23 July: Ceres enters Leo, Mercury in Leo trines Jupiter in Aries.

Ceres commences a two-month era of self advocacy at the same time the quest is to collect those who pique your attention. Seek out interesting individuals of like mind and kindred spirit. What needs to be the bottom line in relationships is agreement of belief. Those with similar philosophies organically align with your causes... once you clearly articulate them. Find the choir and without preaching to it, do what you can to advance all personal causes in cooperative win-win scenarios.

26 July: Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus

Riding the fact that you’ve found compatriots in consciousness, resist the urge to define your ways and means as absolutes or divinely-inspired doctrines. Avoid the urge or need to convert others. There is no need to prove yourself right, only to plan, plot and function from the point of view that you without a doubt certainly believe everything you believe and everything you do contributes to what’s good for your soul. Allow others to find their place on the bell curve of consciousness without forming an opinion about where those others fit.

27 July: Mercury in Leo trine Chiron

Much of the essence of Leo is what’s good for your soul. Here it is realized that every single thought in life is an affirmation. Some affirmations like: “I never win when I play the lottery,” work against the flow and cause mental angst that ultimate infiltrates the energy field and overall sense of well-being. If you believe you don’t win the lottery, stop playing and instead focus on activities that are more of a sure bet in creating your overall well-being. Be sufficiently disciplined as to purge thoughts that create less than optimal results. Think only those thoughts that bolster confidence and support the soul.

28 July: Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, then North Node in Taurus

Think out-of-the box. Seek out grounded alternative methods and approaches for those aspects of life that cut you no slack. Ensure that the resulting ideas match the overall dharmic plan: “Why are you here on Earth in the first place?” Find solutions that work from a more resistance-free zone and still play by the rules of life. Being a rebel, while it has elements of attractiveness, may result in shuns that Eris must later clean up. The goal is to conjure inspired things that work better with less creaking and groaning along the way.

30 July: Mercury in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius

Okay, it’s fair to feel that nothing is working. Sure there are rules and regulations and more demands of proof of your concept from those in the position to help. It’s okay to whinge and grumble about what must be created. But then, for each roadblock perceived, map out an efficient course for getting from here to there. Take a bite-sized, step at a time, hour by hour approach. Deal with immediate demands while keeping an eye on the long-term goals. Tick every task off the list when done. Saturn loves tick marks.

31 July: Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries, Mercury in Leo trine Eris in Aries

Yesterday was funky. Today is not. The wheels of the day are on the track and the mechanisms that causes the wheels to go round are well-oiled - that is if you believe they are. Focus on what makes you interesting, clever, funny and a joy to be around. Then, others rally around you and your causes. This is one of those “shine like the sun” days. And remember, “daylight’s always burning.”

08 August: Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

This is all about good for what ails you. Be clear that everything you ingest: nourishment, recreation, people, places and things support everything about you. Approach nothing that you have doubts about taking in and be clear how you may have used denial in the past. Reach out to all that feels natural and organic to embrace. It’s okay to have energetic yummy responses when the good stuff of life arrives.

10 August: Sun in Leo square Uranus, North Node in Taurus

Course correction time. Without losing sight of the overall objective, navigate out of the way of limitations and obstacles - especially those things that zap the energy. Remove yourself from nay-sayers and surround yourself in the aura of personal innovativeness and creativity. This is a time to recognize a cool, progressive thought when it arrives. This is a time to declare, “I don’t normally do it like this, but if my objective is to reach nirvana and I’ve not done that yet, maybe this new slant on things is the way to go.” While unfamiliar, strive to find comfort in all new fits.

11 August: Ceres in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries

This is a perception reset. While it is easy to assume rejection from those who do not support your causes, the shift here is to conjure neutrality about acceptance/rejection aspects of life. Sometimes people get it; sometimes they don’t. Maybe it’s your presentation; maybe it’s not. No matter what appears to be the matter, find the means to reenforce belief in your thinking, your methods and your tactics. This is a time for conjuring superlative strategies that support soulful causes. Advocate for all your best interests.

14 August: Sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius

Another one of “those days,” or so it seems. If life has been two steps forward, one step back, this energy pocket feels like three steps back. This may be one of those “is it worth it?” days. Fine. Feel free to wallow... but only as long as to realize you’re bored with that. Then, return to all plans and goals. Notice what’s been done, what requires more attention and clearly document the distance on the path you’ve traveled. Even when proceeding slowly, the miles of the journey are still ticking off. And remember, this is your life. You’re up to that, right?

17 August: Sun in Leo trine Eris in Aries

Find your fit. Approach nothing that does not grace your life with goodness in social, economic and spiritual matters. Cull out those aspects of life that require time, energy and offer no apparent gain. This is you determining “this works for me.” Abandon life’s expectations for “good” people. Disregard the wishes of other for what most certainly should make you content. Find what you crave and satisfy your hunger by engaging with those who share your vision and know how to play nicely in the sand box of life.

Soon hereafter, the Sun departs his home territory to shed his beams on Virgo. As that occurs, there will be far more proof in the pudding... as in what you believe, what you declared, how you transacted life resulted in this moment in time. Assume that a chunk of marble rests before you awaiting the mark of your hammer and chisel, which result from your vision of what the marble should become and the honed skills of life acquired along the way.

Next week, Part 2 of the Personal Planet Prompts. Stay tuned.